Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Kansas City!

Quilt Market is perhaps the best place for a quilter to be. If you are a designer, prepare to be inspired. If you are a shop owner, prepare to be overwhelmed with eye candy that you couldn't even imagine. 

I hadn't been to Spring Quilt Market for a few years, and it was wonderful to be back in the thick of things. 

It was wonderful seeing Renee Nanneman from Andover Fabrics, and Needl'love publications. 

Renee's booth is stunning. This is always the booth I seek out FIRST when I come to Quilt Market. I am never disappointed by the elegance, sophistication, and charm.


I love seeing Renee, and her work, plus the work of the other designers, takes your breath away.  Be sure to check out her facebook page. http://www.facebook.com/needllove 


Stars Over Kentucky Lap Quilt or Throw

Well, enough play time, I need to start sewing! While at market, I couldn't resist picking up lovely woolens from Mary Flanagan Woolens, and Weeks Dye Works. 

Until next time!