Sunday, November 21, 2010

Stitching for Frustrated Vikings Fans

For all of us die hard Minnesota Viking fans, this season has not been what we all hoped for. For our Fairy God Father Brett Favre, it must be more of a nightmare. Tomorrow we face the Green Bay Packers. A border battle like none other. I plan to hand applique my way through the game. I gave up nail biting years ago, so I had to do something to keep my mind and hands busy!

Today I attended a Culinary Arts Festival sponsored by the Headwaters Center for Lifelong Learning. Living here in the vast tundra of Northern Minnesota, we rarely get a taste of authentic Korean, Japanese, cuisine, and the Venezuelan samplings were a first!  The people I met were lovely, and getting me out of my routine was a good thing! I definitely need to get out more....

Yesterday, I traded in my tired blond locks for a colorful red color for the winter. Why not? Changing my hair color is fun, and seeing a new face staring back at me in the mirror is always refreshing. There you have it folks, I'm a closet red head.

I went to my favorite Aveda salon, The Bee Hive, and treated myself to a scented candle, labeled Grounding Ritual, which filled my home with the most comforting fragrance. While getting my hair done, they offered me hot tea. Their own Aveda Comforting Tea. It has amazing flavor, and is naturally sweet. Since I usually have too much sugar and milk in my tea, finding a tea that has this much flavor on it's own, made it worth every copper penny I spent!  This is my way of saying...Happy Birthday to me! even if I'm a couple of weeks early.

I hope you are all keeping warm. Here are more photos of my progress. Wool addicting.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Is it Christmas yet?

I'm working on some new projects and I can't wait to get them finished. 

Here is a bit of the process. From the initial seed of an idea, 
to the sketches, to fabric selection, it's a journey. 

Here's a sneak peak...of just a few things
that we'll have available as kits and patterns. 

Friday, November 5, 2010

Welcome to my little corner of the world

Hi everyone! I'm Pam Curo.  I'm a pattern designer, fabric collector, and I'm new to this world of blogging. Living in the land of Paul Bunyan, I am surrounded by tall Pines. Bald Eagles,White Tail Deer, Bears and other earthly critters.

in 1994 I started my own business designing patterns. It all began with a pair of dolls that I made for my mom for her birthday. They were primitive, tea dyed, and had very raggedy hair. My parents own a quilt shop in Hackensack, MN.  Mom proudly displayed the dolls, and customers asked for patterns for the dolls, and the rest is history!

Since I was a little girl, I wanted to be an artist. I have found that quilting satisfies so much. The colors, and textures are amazing. Creating quilts, and designing allows me to use that education I worked so hard for at the University of MN, Duluth. (I studied Costume Design). I love what I do. Which is why I work at it almost 24 hours every day.  I no longer have time to paint, or draw with the intensity that I once loved. Instead, I've channeled my creativity, and energy into making quilts, penny rugs, and wall art that I'm very proud of.

I'm still single. When asked why I don't go out much, or really date much, I respond and state the obvious. Here, in Northern Minnesota, we have men. Men in plaid (flannel of course), sporting work boots, jeans, and a baseball cap. It's hard to believe I once lived in Boston, and was a regular at the dance clubs 4 nights a week. I had a membership to the Museum of Fine Arts, and worked as a secretary at the prestigious Brigham & Women's Hospital.  I drove in 4 lanes of insane traffic! Now...I am in a tiny little town where we have a couple of stop signs. I see the eagles soaring through the sky on a regular basis. Blue Herons stand on the docks and "fish". It's beautiful here. Quiet. Quiet enough to hear the snowflakes drop!

To quote my favorite band in college, The, the snow is gray. if I were an excitable guy, this would upset me, to no end..." Winters are very long here. If I didn't create...I'd lose my mind!

My goal is to inspire, create, and teach. Share my work, and the things that make me happy!

Here is one of my "kids". Bruiser is a very sweet, lovable Boxer!

Here is what is on my design wall at the moment....

time for that it's almost 5 am!